From Roll Tide to Detroit Pride
I couldn’t believe I was finally leaving my only home– Alabama. I had been dreaming about the moment I would leave my parents’ house and officially start my life. Many of my college friends had done it, and I believed that it was finally my turn. It was after endless amounts of prayer that I had stepped off a plane in early June to start my Detroit journey as an art direction intern at Commonwealth//McCann. Soon after, I found that my summer experience had been personally handcrafted by God to prepare me for my first year of living in Detroit. I made new relationships, ate great food, learned important history, and witnessed real passion. This was a great introduction to my future.
With great support from my family and friends, I packed up my car and drove for 13 hours to my new home. It’s been a month and I can’t say I regret it. Even though I miss the important people in my life who taught me everything I know, I’m so grateful to have had the privilege to learn from them. I am now a Marketing Fellow at Plante Moran, where I am learning everyday how to speak to audiences in a dynamic way. I have a wonderful roommate who welcomed me into our home with great kindness. I have an inspiration boyfriend who encourages growth in my faith and talents. I have a family (mixed with relatives and close friends) who will fight for me until the end. I can’t say that I don’t look forward to continuing the journey I started in June and shifting into my purpose.
To end on a lighter note, here are the top 5 things I love about Detroit so far:
1. Bucharest Chicken Shawarmas
2. The view at the Riverfront’
3. Ford Drive-In (Mainly since I had never been to one before)
4. Diversity of cultures
5. Large amount of artwork (graffiti, sculptures, buildings, etc)
God Bless!
– Courtney